--- Feature ---
GUN CLEANING SNAKE KIT For Fast Bore Cleaning Accessories - Brass -weighted drop-through cord slips easily down the barrel, simply grasp and pull cord through the barrel – one pull through does it all. There’s no exposed metal to damage the rifling or crown, and no assembly is required. Washable and reusable hundreds of times.
DESIGNED WITH A SERIES of built-in brushes, it combines all the cleaning processes into one simple step, effectively cleaning your bore in a single pass.
THE MAIN FLOSS, with 160 times more floss than a standard cleaning patch, safely super-scrubs the bore to a mirror-like finish.
Multiple Choices - Multiple short brushes embedded in the floss pass easily through the shortest action or port (choose your caliber)
--- Specifications ---
G01: 12GA Gauge
G02:.22 Cal .223 Cal & 5.56mm
G03:.38 Cal .357 Cal .380 Cal & 9mm
G04:.30 Cal .308 30-06 .300 .303 & 7.62mm
G05:.17 Cal .177 Cal .17HMR .17WMR & 4.5mm
G08:.270 Cal .280 .284 & 7mm
G09:.44 Cal .45 Cal
G17:.40 Cal .41 Cal